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Introduction to machine Learning

Edyoda |05 Aug 2019

We have had an insight into Artificial Intelligence. Well, one of its subfields is machine learning and this introduction will help you get a fair idea of what a machine learning online course holds. To begin with, one must understand what machine learning is.

LAMP Stack Vs MEAN Stack

Edyoda |24 Aug 2019|

In today's dynamic world, rapid web application development with a smooth user interface that can adapt to specific features is the main business requirement. Many organizations around the world that intensely depend on programming for their everyday business operations, the big business level applications, sites and servers have become apparent. It is important to use consistent, scalable and standardized software when developing a new application.

Breaking the Myths around Cybersecurity

Edyoda |26 Aug 2019|

As the dependency on online platforms is increasing daily, cybersecurity is becoming an important concern for all companies today. The number of cyberattacks is ever-rising even after adopting every security measure possible by businesses. Cyber attackers are developing advancing technologies that are continuing to cause more damage.

Practical Machine Learning With Python and Keras

Daniel Pyrathon |16 Oct 2019|

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence that uses statistical techniques to give computer systems the ability to “learn” (e.g., progressively improve performance on a specific task) from data, without being explicitly programmed. Think of how efficiently (or not) Gmail detects spam emails, or how good text-to-speech has become with the rise of Siri, Alexa, and Google Home.

Importance of Data Backup and recovery

Edyoda |26 Aug 2019|

A business must always introspect the areas where they lack in order to bring about a positive change in the work environment. One of the main precautions or a contingency plan that is necessary for every business and especially industries working with clouds, networks and computers should conduct a backup of its files which will serve as a boon in any point of time.

What is Income Share Agreement?

Edyoda |14 Oct 2019|

The term Income Share Agreement has been around for a long time since 1955 to be precise. Surprised, eh? It was first introduced by Milton Friedman, an American economist, and statistician who strongly believed in “free-market capitalism”. In the last few months, there has been a lot of buzz around it, particularly among college graduates.